Saturday 17 May 2008

Hello hello hello

Hi there been a long time since I did blogging.

I used to blog a lot when I played a lot of poker, but because of lifes ups and downs I haven't really had time to blog properly for ages.

So this is my new start. It may not be every day, it may also not be every week, but I want to try and post at least 3 times a month.

As the name suggests, this blog will be dedicated to all things crafts, the most peaceful part of my life, and probably one of my most enjoyable parts of my life except for the garden. (Nothing like getting muck under your fingersnails to get the creative juices going!)

One of the first things I'll be doing is posting a questionaire so please answer it if you are a budding or experienced crafter.

For now, thanks for taking the time

The Craft Maid

Oh forgot to say I suffer from 'cant spell syndrome' so watch out for the mistakes

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