Monday 19 May 2008

Butterfly Madness

Son's off school today, ill, and I'm not at work, so I decided to have a lazy day with him, catch up with some TV, and to also make Origami Butterflies.

Fifty-Six in total, yep you read it right FIFTY-SIX, and I'm gonna add some more colours later. Problem is my fingers get sore with the scissors, but I've quite enjoyed it and my son is amazed that you can make butterflies like this.

On a not so crafting note, I have some rare tomato's to plant up, they are called Black Tomato's, but they look quite nice.

And today my daughter had her first GCSE exam, I hope her nerves didn't let her down. Fingers crossed for a good result

1 comment:

Classroomfree said...

I really hope your dd's exam went well hunny xx